In-House Lab Testing
In-House Lab Testing means many of the most common lab tests like blood work and urinalysis can be completed at Alpharetta or Cumming Internal Medicine, without needing to schedule a separate lab visit or spend time traveling to, or waiting in, a lab office. Both of our facilities use state-of-the-art lab testing equipment so you can feel confident in the accuracy of the results you receive.
Lab work can provide vital information about your health and the way your body works so our providers can develop a plan of care that’s focused specifically on your unique healthcare needs. Lab tests use bodily fluids that contain many markers of both common and uncommon diseases that may not be easily diagnosed using other methods like imaging or physical examination. Having lab work down in our office means we can get the results much faster so we can diagnose and treat your condition as soon as possible without delays that can occur while waiting for an outside lab to perform tests or report results.
The Benefits of In-House Lab Testing
Having lab work completed on site, right in our offices, means you eliminate the hassle and inconvenience of scheduling separate lab visits to a lab or hospital facility, and you also eliminate the need to travel to an outside lab. Plus, because tests are carried out in house, our providers will have access to them much more quickly, so diagnosis and treatment can begin even sooner. Having lab work completed in one of our offices can also help reduce the risk of inaccurate lab work or results that can be inadvertently “mixed up” or incorrectly reported in a busy lab environment with lots of distractions.
Types of Lab Tests
Laboratory Testing is a critical part of your health care exam and can detect changes in your blood that may not be seen on the surface. We recommend that you fast twelve hours prior to your blood test. Laboratory testing may include:
CBC | Hgb A1C | Folic Acid |
CMP | Iron Panel | Vitamin B1, B2, B6 |
MG and Phos | Hormone Panel | Urine Analysis |
Thyroid Panel | Vitamin D | Auto Immune Panel |
Cholesterol Panel | Vitamin B12 | Food Allergy Testing |
Call to Schedule an Appointment
Alpharetta Internal Medicine Office
1380 Upper Hembree Rd.
Roswell, GA 30076
Cumming Internal Medicine Office
950 Sanders Rd
Cumming, GA 30041